Photo by Jo Sunga
AAA x Campus CoLab Soft Launch & Pizza Party
Tues 26 March, 12-1pm
Campus Co-Lab space (Room 9C15)
Block 9, Student Services Trust Building,
Level C, above Tussock Cafe (Entrance E)
Massey University Wellington, Pukeahu Campus
Asian Tauiwi students, friends and supporters, joined us for a pizza party soft launch of the new Asian Aotearoa Arts programme, AAA2024. People came along to meet each other and hear more information about AAA2024 running from 14 April – 10 May on campus and through Pōneke Wellington.
We were proud to continue our partnership with Campus Co-Lab and Te Tira Ahu Pae who remain supportive of activities in and around Asian Aotearoa Arts.
Pizza (with some vegan and gluten free options) and refreshments were provided.