AAA2022 Media
Read: I stand up: Time for art to be created for Asians by Asians
By Khushboo Singh for (6 Oct 2022)
Us, Them, We?: a sonic perspective into Asian Tauiwi in Aotearoa
By Jon He for Pyramid Club (2022)
Decolonising design as a practice of care
Interview with Kerry Ann Lee by Kadambari Raghukumar for RNZ Voices (2022)
Unravelling Threads
Researcher and activist Mehwish Mughal and Grace Gassin, Curator Asian New Zealand Histories launch a new Asian Mental Health project as part of Mental Health Awareness Week (26 Sep – 2 Oct, 2022).
Us, Them, We? A sonic perspective into contemporary Asian Tauiwi in Aotearoa. A sound workshop hosted by Jon He and Agatha Lee on 7 October 2022. Photo by Alexander Moon.