Master Class #1: ‘Shaping Ink’ with Stan Chan & Yueyun Song
Taking place on Thursday 20 September at Massey Unversity, the first AAAH2018 Master Class was led by Stan Chan and Yueyun Song. This workshop addressed ink, as used in Chinese traditional painting, and explored different ways that people can take the art of shaping ink. Stan uses ink to create his art, but Yueyun, who trained initially in the Chinese traditional style, showed how the same ink and rice paper can be used in design to create effects with beauty. Both used traditional Chinese techniques 染云法(Ranyun Fa)and 小斧劈皴法(Xiaofupi Cunfa), used to make cloud and stone effects in landscape painting, and other techniques, using the designer’s eye.
Stan Chan and Yueyun Song, Shapink Ink workshop- Photo by John Lake